Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Morning Cartoons
In my hustle to get out the door this morning I asked Seth, who was watching cartoons with Daddy, to hold his brother for me. It was kind of a whim, and I didn't actually expect him to be willing to do it, which is why it surprised me when he said....Sure! And then there they sat, my 3 boys watching Clifford quietly so I could get my stuff loaded in the car for the day. Awww.....sweet. John is feeling much better now. The antibiotics have kicked in and he is wheezing and coughing less....thank God.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Poor John ....sad face
Poor John is sick today. I knew this morning when he wouldn't eat that something was wrong. He's had the sniffles for the last half of the week which was causing more coughing and weezing. Turns out he has an ear infection, and his lungs are irritated again. He's back on breathing treatments and now is also taking a steroid to reduce the inflamation and antibiotics for his ear. I've never seen him so pitiful. Poor baby.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
So, wow it's been forever since I posted. It's crazy how life blurrs by you and next thing you know it's just a few days till Christmas. I still don't have my Christmas cards out, though they are addressed, filled and stamped. I keep wanting to put a Christmas letter in them but I'm always so tired at the end of the day. Anyhow, what I mean to say is....Hi there Blog friends. I haven't forgotten about you. Hopefully once the craziness of the holidays blows over I'll have some more time, and pictures to share with you. :-)
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
Another relaxing weekend for the Robinson family. Saturday and Sunday we did some Christmas shopping, though it had to be planned just right. I attempted to go to the Mall on Saturday afternoon, which was an amazingly huge joke, as not a single parking space could be found and about 50 other cars circling the parking lot waiting to stalk the people coming out of the mall to their cars. I circled the mall once and then drove straight back home. Instead I got up early on Sunday and went while all the rest of GA was at church. I got a spot 2 rows out of the food court, shopped with my two boys when it was practically empty, got out of there by noon when everyone else was coming in, and made someone's day when I gladly surrendered my key parking space to them. Then we spent the rest of the weekend relaxing at home, watching movies, crocheting, playing outside, and napping. Saturday night I went to a Christmas party for my work. It was a fancy shmancy dinner at La Maison and a lot of fun to get all gussied up, as I don't find too many occasions where i get to do that lately. We had fun....I won a Shell gift card in a drawing and came home with a bottle of wine and $50 (gift from the boss). Sweet!
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 2:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 14, 2007
Merry Christmas
A long long time ago I was in a sweet adelines with some of my friends. My sister and my mom were also in sweet adelines choirs. Mom sent this to's really cool.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 6:26 PM 1 comments
First Steps
Dave and I were fortunate to both witness John's first steps last night. I stood him up a few feet away from me, and he walked three steps toward me before he lunged into my arms. I was so happy that we were all there to witness the event. Next week, my amazing son will be doing kartwheels.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 7:45 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Tonight at dinner Seth turns to me and asks, "Mommy, are you fat?"
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 11:54 PM 0 comments
Hello, so I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. As we all know, our work doubles the closer we get to Christmas and blogging has taken a back-burner for my free time. When I got my first Christmas card in the mail on Friday it occurred to me that it hadn't yet occurred to me to start on my Christmas cards. So, I went and bought some yesterday and got them all addressed, and then Seth and I put up the Christmas tree. I've kept busy with crochet projects and household chores, and entertaining the kiddos. But mostly I've just been shuffling off to work and back and it's been so busy there they're even talking about offering me some overtime. Anyhow, let's see ......
Our Parent-teacher conference went very well. We didn't really learn a whole lot we didn't already know. But it sure is nice to hear from others how smart your kid is. The one thing we didn't know, and this was a big surprise.....was that Seth wasn't napping anymore during naptime. I was so sad. So long nap time for Mommy for another 15 years. However, this weekend I didn't make him nap at all, and he was extremely cranky and mean by evening. I think perhaps his teachers meant that he wasn't falling asleep right away during naptime, but still gets a short snooze?, because he certainly isn't like this on the weekdays!
John had a well-baby check-up this week. He actually hadn't gained much weight this time, since he's so active now. I swear this boy will be walking in a week! I've started to give him some more freedoms, particularly when I take Seth outside to play. Normally I just hold him because the backyard is gravel and dirt mostly. This weekend I let him get dirty and crawl around and try to keep up with Seth and Gabriel, and he just went for it! He tried to climb up the slide, and when the boys were in the Spiderman house he walked on in the house with them. It's hard to believe he's my baby....but not so much the baby baby anymore. I thought he'd try to eat the gravel but he didnt.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 2, 2007
So, I said that I would update of our Thanksgiving weekend earlier this week and then I went back to work and was busy with the kids and next thing I know it's the following weekend, and now into the next week.... How quickly it all went by! Anyhow, here's a little update.
Grandad came down to visit us from West Virginia on the Friday after Thankgiving. I made the Thanksgiving meal Friday, though it was somewhat downsized that what i would have liked to make. Grandad and Dave spend the weekend watching football (and West Virginia stomping on UConn!) and discussing politics and biblical principles (very exciting)(well, it was mostly just Dave and I sitting there listening while Grandad talked us to oblivion). Grandad took us out for dinner Sunday afternoon, and then Monday we took the boys to school and Dave and Grandad got to spend some grand/father/son time together. It was fun watching Grandad interacting with the boys, and how proud he was of them. It's always so nice to have family visiting.
Seth really enjoyed having Grandad here. He got lots of tic-tacs and treats. On Thanksgiving he went around to told everyone Happy Halloween. I think he was hoping he'd get some candy instead of Turkey. Anyhow, lately he's been really into SuperWhy....a relatively new show on PBSkids. It's about Superhero kids who save the day by jumping into story books and changing the words in the story to make a different outcome, and they collect letters to put a word together in the end and spell it. It's a very low-budget show, but Seth is SO loving it. We've been playing Superwhy games on and he's learning to use a mouse. Tonight we pretended to jump into a book before bed. We pretended we were in the woods going to take cakes and pies to Grandma's house. We saw a wolf and Mommy was SO SCARED! Uh oh! But Woodcutter Seth scared him away! It was so fun to see him so excited about learning the sounds the letters make, and reading books. I get to go to my first parent-teacher conference tomorrow morning, and I'm excited to hear what they have to say, find out who his friends are, his favorite things to do, etc.
John is growing too! That first molar is coming in......though it's taking for-ev-er to come in. Poor baby :-( He's so close to walking it's not even funny. He stands up by himself and tries to take a step or two. If he's holding my hand or walking behind the push-walker he's SO FAST. He eats! If I have food in my hands he wants it. With all those teeth he can handle more then your average 9 month old. He really likes spaghetti sauce and goldfish crackers.
I have been busy. Mainly just chugging along between work and home, home and work and the occaisonal trip to the store. I feel like I barely have time to do anything to get ready for Christmas. I have SO much less time now with 2 children. I just finally took the boys for some portraits yesterday. (an interesting adventure).
Saturday we spent the morning at the park and then went to McDonalds for more indoor playtime. After a great nap it was back outside to play with Gabriel . Gabriel's mom got out the leaf-blower and blew together a big pile of leaves. All the boys, even John had a blast in it. Then later we rented Ratatouie...or however you spell it, and then called it a night....for everyone. Saturday was all about the boys, so Sunday was a nice day for ME, sort of. Church was GREAT. I got a nap (angelic ahhhh) and we relaxed at home.
Anyhow, I think that's it.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 8:17 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 29, 2007
This past weekend Seth fell down pretty hard.
"Where does it hurt?"
"On my butt. Mommy, will you kiss it?"
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Scardey Cat
Hello. I'm scared of the dark. Nice to meet you.
Ok, so I have a different name, but I still am scared. I don't really know why, but sometimes I just get really paranoid and can't sleep. I start imagining things and then more things and then plan in my head what I would do in situations and how I would react so that I will know what to do when it really happens. Thump, thump thump.......uh that someone walking in my living room?'s the dryer silly goose. I've done it since I was 4.....7.......11.......ok, I guess I've always been like this. It comes and goes in seasons, but my plans change each time. Tonight I would hide behind the door and wait till the intruder steps into the doorway and then with ninja-like speed I would slam the door in his face and then follow with a kick to knock out any weapons from his hands and then I would knock him unconscious with my baseball bat and duct-tape his hands and feet until the police arrive.
Perhaps it is the Mommy in me that makes me scared for my babies and feeling the need to protect them on the nights that Dave has to work. Or perhaps it is just that....the absense of my big husband at night that I've grown so accustomed and safe feeling next to, but when you're sitting alone in your living room and the kids are sleeping and all of a sudden the motion light outside comes sure gets my imagination going. And next thing I know I'm laying in bed with the telephone in my hand, a baseball bat next to the bed and me staring at the ceiling listening to the little noises and wishing I hadn't watched that PETA documentary because those disgusting images don't ever leave your brain and I really don't want them there anymore. Maybe I need to become a vegetarian. Maybe I should just write a blog about it.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 12:55 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Ahhh, Back to Work
Well, I realize I haven't posted much this weekend. Grandad drove down on Friday to visit and between 2 small boys, cleaning, cooking, and visiting I haven't had much time to sit and write. But, with Dave going back to work tonight, and the evening to myself tonight, I will update you of our Thankgiving weekend, and hopefully if I can find that USB cable (which has gone missing since we "cleaned" ((i.e. shoved our stuff into drawers)) ) then I will also show you some awesome pictures of my awesome children.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 9:34 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 23, 2007
Turkey Day
Thanksgiving was a very quiet day. Dave worked all night so he came home and slept till 930pm. I took the kids to Walmart because we needed formula and milk, and I figured it would be very quiet. It was actually much busier than expected. I also picked up one of the Walmart pizzas and we ate that for lunch and dinner. I caught bits of the Macy's parade and the one in Chicago too, but the kids won out watching SuperWhy and Mickey Mouse Christmas. John got ahold of the phone, pushed the talk button and left it under the couch for the entire afternoon, so if anyone tried to call to wish us a Happy Thankgiving and got a busy signal......sorry.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 4:22 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Aaaaah. another nice and relaxing weekend at home. I had nothing planned, so it was nice to just relax, get some housework stress just get things done when I feel like it. Yesterday we went to Target to get Seth some new pants and a few other things. Then we stopped and got some sandwiches and took them to the park. It was a beautiful day, so we spent quite a while there. I got some crochet done while the boys napped and then later we went outside and played with the neighbors kids. Miss Sherry took Seth to the park with Gabriel for a while till it got dark. Then got a video rental and watched Mickey Mouse Once Upon a Christmas while eating some pizza (and crocheting). Sunday was a nice relaxing day too, aside from an irritating trip to Walmart.....did you know that you can't buy anything but food and clothing between 12pm and 130pm on Sundays in South Carolina? Rediculous! I tried to buy a ball of yarn and they wouldn't sell it to me! Arrgh! Anyhow, at least I got to turn left on Milledge Rd off Walton Way. It's one of those No Left Turn except on Sunday's turns. I felt very excited and satisfied knowing that I finally got to turn left on that street. It's much shorter to get home that way.
Anyhow, I did buy food at Walmart....lots of it. All the fixings for Thanksgiving dinner. This year it's just going to be the 4 of us, but I still want to make a nice dinner. I'll have lots of leftovers, but then I won't have to cook for the rest of the week! Yay and Yum!
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 4:29 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 16, 2007
Is it Fall finally?
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 10:32 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Kerrie Found Him Again
My friend Kerrie found Dave at -1.21 too. If you look behind the woman on the can see him standing right behind her. A nice closer picture of his face too! Good Catch Kerrie! Woo Hoo!
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Did you find him?
Dave is at the end of the video. Scroll to -0.24 as the picture scans out on the crowd Dave is standing on the upper right. Until Dave moved to West Virginia when he was about 16, he was a blonde. He was also very tall and skinny.
AND for those of you who know what he looks like....Dave's Grandad is also in the video. Scroll to -2.36. Grandad is wearing a white short sleeved shirt and is dancing with a shorter woman. He kinda appears from behind another couple dancing. During this time, Dave was up in the balcony. You can see people in the balcony dancing during the video, but you can't really tell who was there.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 10:28 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
American Music - Violent Femmes
Dave was 13 when he was in this video. Can you spot him??
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 2:15 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Is there anything better?
So, you know those people who don't wash their hair everyday? Well, in most cases, it works for them. It keeps their hair really shiney and healthy and a lot less damaged because the natural oils in their hair don't get washed away every day right? Well, this morning (and since it's the weekend) I decided to not wash my hair. (yes I know you are very intrigued as this is an extremely exciting blog). My hair has not been looking all that great particularly because of the post-baby shedding. So I thought I'd give it a shot. Well, it's a good thing I had no plans this weekend, and that I could just throw a hat on to go to the grocery store because I looked quite slimey and despite that I washed my skin this morning I felt like I hadn't bathed in forever. I was itchy, and felt gross. And I don't know how you people do it. So as soon as I put the kids to bed I hopped in the shower and scrubbed my scalp like 3 times in hot hot water to get rid of the slime. Ahhhh, I felt so goooooood after that. I felt SO good in fact, that it inspired me to feel even cleaner. So I changed my sheets, and put on clean-out-of-the-dryer jammies, and I threw out my toothbrush and opened a new one. Then I put on chapstick, and lotion, and deoderant, and then I relaxed in bed. And now I feel so clean and comfy that I feel like there's nothing better and that I had to just write one last blog today to tell you how great I feel. Sweet dreams.
The End
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Guess What I Got Today!?!?
A NAP!!!!
(insert angelic ahhh)
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 10, 2007
traditions and memories
When I was a kid, Mom used to make us pancakes in the shape of our initials. Luckily, both my boys have short names, so this morning I decided to make special pancakes for my family too. Seth ate up his name, John ate a J, and Dave got heart-shaped pancakes. I hope that this tradition (of sorts) becomes a fond memory for my kids as it did for me.
The last few weeks or so, my family and I have been talking a lot about traditions. Particularly with the impending holidays coming up, and the pressure and stress that comes along with them. My sister and I both agree, that when we think back in our lives about
Christmas and the memories we have of it
we think of the traditions we kept. Like each Christmas morning we'd get up and wake everyone else up, then open our stockings. But we weren't allowed to open anything until everyone came downstairs, and it felt like an agony waiting for them to shower and dress and wander downstairs. Then we'd have to eat breakfast (a formal sit-down breakfast) and wash the dishes before we opened anything under the tree.
Every Christmas morning for breakfast it was a tradition to eat venison mouthfuls, and scrambled eggs, and sweet bread that cousin JoAnn used to bring. We'd also all go for rides in the car and look at the lights on the houses, and the day after Christmas we'd go to the movies. These are the traditions of my family growing up, and the memories I had.
I dont remember anything about what awesome presents I got, or how big they were, or how many there were. So, in a time where Dave and I are scrambling to make our money stretch and stressing about having to buy presents for everyone, I think we'd all agree that perhaps it's time to create our traditions and make them our own. So that even if we can only afford to send out pictures this year, instead of presents, and even if Seth only gets a few presents, I hope that someday he won't care cause all he'll remember is how much fun he had.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 5:28 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I haven't blogged much this past week. We've been super busy, and Dave's had the weekend and Monday and Tuesday off from work, which means more competition for computer time. Here's a recap of the past week.
Thursday afternoon I found out I was getting promoted at work. Yay! So long call center! I'm now in major accounts and extremely happy about it.
Saturday we had a lazy morning and then I took the kids to play with Miss Amie and family. Saturday evening we made a very exciting Walmart trip and then came home and watched Jungle Book.
Sunday was Church, and then dinner with newly pregnant friends Faith and Jason. I took a stab at my own recipe of Lasagne, and it was pretty good!
Monday it was back to school and work. First day in the new position, and I feel kinda lost, but confident I'll learn quickly.
Tuesday Dave took the car in to get some new spark plugs (ahhhh spark plugs) and then found himself a new pair of glasses. His old ones had electric tape on them. About a half hour after I got to work John's daycare calls because he has a fever and needs to go home. After seeing the doctor we found out he has strep. Poor baby. Then a few hours after taking a fever reducer, his temp went up to 105.7! So...last night we ended up in the ER.
Today John's fever is managable, but he isn't eating much and the antibiotics aren't sitting well with him. Seth had his well-baby (er, well-big-boy) check-up this morning that he went to with Daddy.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 8:59 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Sad news.
It is with heavy hearts that Dave and I are sad to report the recent and sudden shriveling death of our son Seth after he ate his vegetables.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 6:33 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Sunday night as you already read, Seth and I had a great time. But when it was time to go he got very upset. He marched ahead of me to the car all mad and turned around to yell at me and said, "Mom, you're not my best friend anymore!". My first thought was Wow! I never even knew he considered me his best friend in the first place! How incredibly sweet! I got that gooey warm feeling inside like you do when you think about how much you love your child and how proud you are of them. I couldn't help but smile at him, even though this was not the desired affect Seth was trying to get out of me. It also made me realize how incredibly grown-up he is getting. A little over a year ago we had to deal with his hitting, and now he's learned that he can bite back with his words instead of his hands.
He's also learning silly things like.. potty talk. (yes lovely). Seth (and I'm sure his little friends at school) is into making farting noises and saying words like "bootie" and "poopoo" and then laughing and saying "Eeeeeeew". It's all very amusing and a new adventure for Dave and I to learn to deal with. He is really considerate, and shares his most favorite things willingly, and even voluntarily....for instance last week he had a fruit of those 3 foot strips that you can pretend you have a really long tongue with. Well, he had one and he asked me for help because he was tearing it into two separate but equally long peices. So I helped him, and then he handed one piece to me and mom this is for you. Again, gooey feeling in my heart.
I can't say enough how incredibly proud I am of Seth. The past few months since he started school he has developed leaps in his social skills, and is now writing his own name and coloring inside the lines. He got a sticker yesterday at school for doing a great job cleaning up, and another sticker on his paper for coloring in all the Uppercase I's only. Tomorrow his class is having a Halloween parade and party. I SO wish I could go to see and support him. He's really looking forward to it. I am, after all, his best friend! (or was).
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 9:35 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 28, 2007
This evening I am tired, but not like last weekend's I-worked-my-arse-off tired, but more like an I-had-a-great-time kinda tired. Yesterday as you all know our furniture arrived in the morning. I dragged Seth to the pumpkin stand in the late morning and made him pick one out (he was more interested in playing Power Rangers than boring pumpkins). In the evening we got a babysitter and Dave and I went out on a real bona-fide date! Woo hoo! You know when the last time we did that was? Yeah, I don't know.....I dont' remember. Today we had a great day too. Church as usual, with a great sermon. Then home for naps and we had some friends over for a few hours. Then Dave went to bed, and I took the boys to a fall festival at the church next door to ours. Here are some pictures. They were supposed to have hot air balloon rides, but unfortunately it was too windy and the basket was unstable, but Seth and I got a great look at the balloon up front and watched as they blew it up.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 7:35 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 27, 2007
New Rug and Camera
Ok, so thank you to the three whole people who gave their Rug opinions from my previous blog.
I was going to get the top left-hand one but it was out of stock, and wasn't going to be in until the end of November.
So, instead I went to the store and fell in love with this one, and after Dave's thumbs-up we went ahead and got it.
Personally, I don't think the pictures do it much justice, as the dk grey-ish "orbit" is really a chocolate brown and matches perfectly with our recliner and tables. Oh, and it's a shag... it really adds a lot of texture to the room, and makes the room seem really cozy.
Also, our new furniture arrived today....but there was one teeny problem. It was the wrong couch. We ordered one in beige, this one was cardinal red. Hahahha. But you know what? I LOVE IT! It really adds some color to the room, and matches the red in the carpet. Maybe we were meant to have that one? I'd like to keep it, but now I just need to convince Dave that he likes it too.
I'd show you a picture of it, but I accidentally dropped my camera today on the non-rug section of our living room. Since then, all the pictures are coming out dark shadowy. Looks like you'll have to just read my blog for a while rather than see pictures.
(.....oh and Dad..... I need a new digital camera for Christmas.... nothing fancy.... just something simple that doesn't have a major delay when you push the button to when it actually takes the picture and a usb cable for it....please :-) )
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 7:24 PM 1 comments
Will my children never take a nap at the same time????AHHHHH!
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 2:44 PM 1 comments
This morning Seth woke up and said to me, "Mom, can we go to the ballet please?". Strange.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 26, 2007
My friend Rachel posted this on her blog.... so I had to share it.
Found on one of my Cake Decorating message boards:
We had a "going away" party yesterday for a lady at our Little Rock claim office. One of the supervisors called a Wal-Mart and ordered the cake. He told them to write:"Best Wishes Suzanne" and underneath that, "We will miss you".
As the picture shows, it didn't quite turn out right. It was too funny not to keep it.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 9:04 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
funny story
So, Monday morning I got up and out early so I could go to the grocery store and pick up the some stuff before work. I had John with me, sitting in the baby seat next to my purse. It took a while to put my stuff on the belt to check out because the lady in front of me had a big order. When I turn around, I notice John has opened my purse, but it wasn't until I actually pulled the cart back in front of me that I realized John was chomping on the most lovely of all items he could possibly have pulled out of my purse.....a tampon. And of course not only did he get upset with me for taking it away, but then I had to fish out the paper wrapper from his mouth from the top of it.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 10:20 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 10:28 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Wow it has been an exhausting weekend. I had a ton of stuff on my list to do but still didn't finish it all. Saturday I let Seth watch tv a little late while I got ready to go out for the day. Then we set off for some furniture shopping (big sale) and I planned to take the boys to pick out pumpkins. There's a really cool farm out in Thomson that has a petting zoo, cornfield maze (with a scaled-down sized one for the little ones), and a pumpkin patch. Well, we found a new couch and then headed home for lunch and naps. Dave woke up in the middle of nap time with severe stomach pain and so we scrapped the trip to Thomson and went to the ER instead. After that I dropped Dave off at home to get some sleep and I threw the kids back in the car and did a Walmart run for gatorade and gingerale, among other things.
Today was a blur. I tried to make it to church, but the shower and getting ready part just wasn't happening with the kids this morning. Once we finally did get ready, we went for a walk outside (gorgeous day) and found a playground a few blocks away. Then it was back home for lunch and naps (haha, yeah that didnt happen) and then out again to the mall to shop for fall/winter clothes for the boys. I got some great deals, and attempted at a lap or two through the shoe section but that was stretching their patience a bit. (we'll try another day). Then we came home for some Dora the Explorer, and baths and bed. In between all that I cleaned the boys' room, did about 6 loads of laundry (but folded about 10), cleaned the floors in the living room and hallways, vacuumed out the couch and did a load of dishes.
The closest I got to crocheting anything was the purchasing of some cool yarn during the Walmart trip, so that was a little disappointing, but now that the laundry is out of the way maybe my work load this week will allow for some extra time for a project. Physically, my body is achey and tired from this weekend anyone who as ever gone furniture shopping alone with two small children an attest to what an exhausting potential nightmare it can be......and I'm almost looking forward to the work week for some rest. Oh, and Dave is feeling much better now.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Need an Opinion.

Dave and I bought some new furniture yesterday, so now we need to get a rug to match. The couch is beige and our living room walls are I need some color. I need your opinions...leave a comment and tell me which one do you like best?
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 9:37 AM 2 comments
Saturday, October 20, 2007
John's walking has improved now that he's traveling along the couch. So today I got out the first pair of shoes I bought for Seth. At first, John didn't want to stand up in them, but he got the hang of it. I'm just happy they fit his chunky feet. He won't really need shoes shoes for a while, but it was sure fun to watch him try to figure them out, and a lot of fun reminiscing Seth's babyhood too.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 11:05 PM 1 comments
I think Grandma enjoyed cuddling with John as much as he did!
Seth on the other hand, was pretty shy around Grandma. It took him a while to warm up to her. She was amazed at how big their eyes are.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 19, 2007
New Baby and A Capette
Wow, this week is going by really fast. I am looking forward to the weekend though. I don't really have much new to report, other than I just found out my friend Tanya just had her first baby on Tuesday. A boy! Yay! Boy's are great arent' they? This week we've had a car in the shop, and we'll probably have the other one in the shop next week. It will be such a huge relief to have them running smoothly again. Ohh! AND, I have been wearing my capette to work lately because I freeze in there where my desk is right under the A/C vent. Well several people have stopped me admiring it and upon finding out I made it asked how much I would charge to make them one. Woo hoo! So, I think I might just make a bunch of them over the next few weekends and try to sell them for Christmas money. Seriously it took me just a few hours to make and a few skeins of yarn, and if I have any leftover that i didnt' sell I can give them as gifts or gift them anyways! I'm pretty excited about getting paid to do something I love!
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 7:05 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 13, 2007
How Ironic
You know that frase, "You know you'll find your keys the moment you replace them right?" Right...well. Today I finally went to Walmart armed with my husband's set of keys and had it all copied(2 sets this time), and I bought new locks for the doors ($30) to change those too. Then I came home and while the boys napped I broke a nail or two replacing the locks and woke my landlord up from her nap to give her sets of the new keys. Not two hours later I dropped the remote in the side cushion of the couch and didn't feel it so I pushed back the cushion and looked down in there and what do I see? Well....I'm sure you can figure it out. Honestly I looked in every corner of the house for those things and wouldn't they have to be in the most obvious place ever!
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 3:14 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Growing UP
This morning I dug the long pants out of the back of Seth's dresser since it was so cold. He put one on and they were so short they looked like knickers! Wow, how tall he's gotten!! Looks like I'm going to be pants shopping this weekend!
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Brrrrr That's so Nice!
Wow! After a week in the 90s, we woke up to 58 degree weather!!! It was almost cold out! Finally!
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 7:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Cell Phone Booths?
Ok, so.....I understand that when one is talking on the phone with one's sister or mom or very close friend that using the toilet in the middle of the conversation is acceptable. And I understand the great need for multi-tasking nowadays, HOWEVER...... have we come so far in life that even in the most intimate of moments we find it necessary to talk on a cell phone?
I must say that public bathrooms are no place for a phone conversation. When I am in my stall doing my thing, it is uncomfortable enough having someone 3 feet away from you hearing what you are doing. But then to have to worry about the poor unsuspecting person on the other end of someone else's phone conversation hearing that you ate beans for dinner last night?
So, I'm sitting in the middle stall today alone in the bathroom when someone walks in and enters next to me.....all of a sudden I hear......Hello? Instantly I think, uh oh she must be out of toilet paper or I respond......Hello. But little did I know that she had actually just picked up her phone to make a call, and then had to laugh at me (haha, no I was talking on the phone tee hee) for thinking that she would actually strike up a conversation with someone else in the bathroom. Oh.....sorry.
Seriously is for the office, not for while you're doing your business.
Posted by Carolyn Plain and Tall at 8:53 PM 2 comments
More Birthday Pictures
Time for some SuperCake! Seth and Gabriel can't wait for a piece!
Then they go outside to burn that extra sugar. Here is Superman, Spiderman and the Red Power Ranger climbing the Spiderman house.
With Isaiah jumping on the trampoline...Watch out bad guys! SuperSeth swinging to rescue you!
The grown-ups had fun too! Here is Ashley in pink and Charity holding Naomi. And of course the gentlemen huddled in the corner to exchange recipes. Nick(left) Dave and Josh(right).
Finally, Brenya enjoying some delicious treats.