Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cell Phone Booths?

Ok, so.....I understand that when one is talking on the phone with one's sister or mom or very close friend that using the toilet in the middle of the conversation is acceptable. And I understand the great need for multi-tasking nowadays, HOWEVER...... have we come so far in life that even in the most intimate of moments we find it necessary to talk on a cell phone?

I must say that public bathrooms are no place for a phone conversation. When I am in my stall doing my thing, it is uncomfortable enough having someone 3 feet away from you hearing what you are doing. But then to have to worry about the poor unsuspecting person on the other end of someone else's phone conversation hearing that you ate beans for dinner last night?

So, I'm sitting in the middle stall today alone in the bathroom when someone walks in and enters next to me.....all of a sudden I hear......Hello? Instantly I think, uh oh she must be out of toilet paper or I respond......Hello. But little did I know that she had actually just picked up her phone to make a call, and then had to laugh at me (haha, no I was talking on the phone tee hee) for thinking that she would actually strike up a conversation with someone else in the bathroom. Oh.....sorry.

Seriously is for the office, not for while you're doing your business.


Anonymous said...

Grandma and I are rotfl with this entry! Your writing skills are getting very good! Have a great day.
Love, Mom

Amie said...

I had a similar experience while driving back here last week.....uggg, it was SO annoying!