Monday, October 1, 2007

New Tactics in Raising a 4-year-old

Seth is definitely growing up! And not because he is tall either....he has recently demonstrated his new favorite tactics to avoid doing everything Mommy says.......stalling! (it's not really outright disobedience, just.......sort of). Tonight it was time to put Seth to bed, and what do I get? Seth walks half-way down the hall and and throws himself on the floor.....Waaa! Mommy I hurt myself!!! I have a booboo! I need a bandage!!! (oh the pain!!!)..........tactic #1. Then it's time to brush his teeth......... Mommy, I'm hungry I need some food please......tactic#2. Then we're in bed, tucked in, prayers said and.........Mommy don't leave me! the birds and trees outside are snoring!!!(as if this is a horrific thing to be scared of?) ...tactic#3. Then if all that doesn't work....... well lets try pooping. Yes pooping gets him back up out of bed and in the bathroom for an extra 5 minutes.....tactic #4. And yes, then after he has to go back to bed after the mess is cleaned up then we just try the that he demonstrated tonight..

Seth go get back in bed.
Seth walks by me, stops, and buries his face in my chest and rubs his nose back and forth.
Um, Seth what are you doing?
I'm using your shirt as a napkin Mommy.
Seth, GO TO BED.
Seth goes to bed.