Monday, December 17, 2007


Another relaxing weekend for the Robinson family. Saturday and Sunday we did some Christmas shopping, though it had to be planned just right. I attempted to go to the Mall on Saturday afternoon, which was an amazingly huge joke, as not a single parking space could be found and about 50 other cars circling the parking lot waiting to stalk the people coming out of the mall to their cars. I circled the mall once and then drove straight back home. Instead I got up early on Sunday and went while all the rest of GA was at church. I got a spot 2 rows out of the food court, shopped with my two boys when it was practically empty, got out of there by noon when everyone else was coming in, and made someone's day when I gladly surrendered my key parking space to them. Then we spent the rest of the weekend relaxing at home, watching movies, crocheting, playing outside, and napping. Saturday night I went to a Christmas party for my work. It was a fancy shmancy dinner at La Maison and a lot of fun to get all gussied up, as I don't find too many occasions where i get to do that lately. We had fun....I won a Shell gift card in a drawing and came home with a bottle of wine and $50 (gift from the boss). Sweet!