Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's Day

Father's Day was a nice day for us. Though Dave had to close the restaurant Sat night, the power went out and they closed early. So, Dave got home early and got some sleep. Sunday morning we woke up and called my Dad to wish him Happy Father's Day. (HI DAD!) and then I took the boys to church. I had a nice dinner planned for Dave, but it didn't work out so well. I don't think I will ever master the Art of homemade fried chicken like Lois. My chicken turned out both burned and raw at the same time (yes, I know, thank you very much). So I sprang for pizza and just wrapped up the mashed potatoes and veggie casserole for tomorrow's dinner. Anyhow, it was a nice day because we had Dave home and I got to hear my childrens squeels of laughter in the bedroom as they wrestled around, and we got to eat a "nice" dinner, and well, just had some family time.