Monday, September 3, 2007

The Littlest Hitler by Ryan Boudinot, a Book Review

The Littlest Hitler is a collection of short stories that are definitely weird, ironic, sadistic and hilarious (well, at least some of the time). The first story, also the title of the collection is about a young boy raised by his father who dresses up as Hitler to school for Halloween (big scary guy right?) until he realizes that another girl in his class has dressed up as Anne Frank. The teacher tries to make an educational lesson out of it and it causes all the kids in the class to gang up on him and treat him like he really killed their beautiful and popular little girl. This story had to be in my opinion the funniest of the entire collection (at least of the ones I actually read), and then they got progressively unfunny but still amusing and thought-provoking. I stopped after the story about a boy who is offered a full ride scholarship by the government at any university he wants as long as he performs his "civil duty" by killing his parents. But ultimately I ended up leaving it accidentally on the top of my car as I drove down Gordon Highway, where it remains (I couldn't find it), probably until some prisoner picks it up. I told the library already but they're just going to renew it a few times in the hopes that someone will pick it up and turn it in for me. Considering we live in Georgia, that is very unlikely. Overall, I think the stories were pretty well written, though it really takes the right person to find them amusing. I would recommend it, but only to the right person.


Amie said...

I don't know about how funny that book would be but the librarian who actually thinks that someone is going to turn that book back in is hilarious!