Friday, April 4, 2008


So... not to sound like an bloggomercial or anything. BUT We signed up for Netflix last week and I'm very excited about it. We were members a few years ago but stopped when we moved to TX. So, I finally decided to stop paying for late fees at Movie Gallery and join again. I'm surprised to find that now not only do you get to rent the movies but they have thousands of movies on-line that you can watch, and you can watch as many as you want! So... I've been trying to expand my mind and watch some documetaries after the kids go to bed. Here are some that I'd recommend.

Forgiving Dr. Mengele- A film about a holocost survivor who was used, along with her twin sister, at age 10 as a human laboratory animal by a German doctor in Auchwitz after she and her family were captured by the Nazis. Now in her 60s, she has forgiven the doctor and those involved in the experiments who caused the death of hundreds of twin children, including her own twin sister. This is story of her controversial message to everyone about the power of forgiveness; her travels back to Auchwitz on the anniversary of her release from the camp.; her travels to Israel to try to spread her message of forgiveness to Palestinians; and her struggle as a jewish woman in the United States since the war. It was a very emotion, tragic, but most of all inspiring story.

Born Into Brothels.. My favorite so far. This is a film about a photographer documenting the life of the prostitutes in the brothels of Calcutta's Red Light District, who falls in love with the children living there and decides to teach them about photography. With the pictures the children take, she takes them back to galleries in the US, raises money and puts the kids in good boarding schools so that they will have a chance of making something of their lives other than prostitution. It is an amazing story of such beautiful talented children and the hope you have for them as you fall in love with them. I applaud this photographer for what she is doing and hope she continues to help the children. Very Inspiring!

The Business of Being Born... Another very interesting film that confronts and challenges the medical system in the US for the dramatic increases in the use of medical intervention during one of the most natural processes that God created for womens' bodies to perform... giving birth. With this increase in medical intervention, the infant death rate has risen dramatically, and gives a picture of how we compare to other countries in the world. It confronts the need to go, kind of... back to our roots in a way and teach today's modern women about the impact that convience will have, and has had on our children today. It mainly confronts the financial motivations for making birthing a medical process, vs a natural process and how nowadays women have little choice due to stricter limitations by insurance companies, much less know what their choices might be. I found this very interesting, and it made me question some of my own decisions about how I birthed by babies.

I also watched A Life Apart: Hasidism in America. I found this very interesting because I didn't know much about Hasidic jews. It is a picture into their lives, the history of where they came from, and the uniqueness about them that has helped them preserve their traditional culture despite living in America, where we are all one big melting pot.


John said...

We love Netflix!