Sunday, March 16, 2008


Here is a list of everything I did today. In no particular order.

1. Woke up.
2. washed 7 loads of laundry
3. scrubbed the tub
4. made pancakes
5. cleaned out the microwave
6. cleaned the stovetop
7. wiped down the kitchen counters
8. put away clean dishes
9. wiped down the outside of the garbage can
10. cleaned the condensation inside the fridge
11. rubbed cleaner/lotion into the leather chair
12. wiped down and in some spots, scrubbed, the upholstry on the couch
13. changed the sheets on my bed
14. changed the sheets on John's crib
15. vaccummed the shag rug
16. watched John dump goldfish crackers into the shag after I vacuumed
17. gave Seth a hair cut
18. shoveled the gravel from the driveway off the steps in the backyard
19. wiped down some of the yucky outdoor toys
20. made some Kraft Spiderman Macaroni and Cheese
21. made a chicken sandwich
22. picked up the toys in the living room, twice
23. got my kids dressed
24. changed 7 diapers
25. refilled (what felt like) 50,000 requests for juice, milk and water
26. filled and ran the dishwasher
27. swept the floor
28. packed the diaper bag for church
29. took a shower
30. went to church
31. blow-dried my hair
32. spent an hour or so supervising the outdoor play
33. watched Diego, twice
34. watched Mr. Magoriums Wonder Emporium.
35. got the kids ready for bed
36. responded to (what probably was) 50,000 "Mooooooommmmmmmmy!"s
37. put makeup on
38. Kissed two little heads 50,000 times
39. Woke Dave up, twice
40. vacuumed the blinds in my room
41. wiped John's nose 50,000 times
42. peeled 3 bananas, unwrapped 3 pieces of string cheese, rolled 6 pieces of ham
43. put Seth in time-out, twice
44. chatted with my sister
45. chatted with Mom and Dad
46. wrote about it all in my blog

One of my favorite movies is Forrest Gump. I remember marvelling about how many things he managed to accomplish in his life-time....that is until I became a mother and now I marvel at how many things a woman can accomplish in just one day! I am exhausted.... and I am looking forward to going to work tomorrow so I can rest!


My name is Dianna said...

whoa! i am impressed, could you call me and encourage me to step away from the computer? sleep peacefully:)

Anonymous said...

gee....wanna come to my house next?

Amie said...

GIRL, you rock! and totally crack me up. :) amie

John said...

Did you guys like Mr. Magoriums Wonder Emporium?

Carolyn Plain and Tall said...

I thought the movie was very cute. It's G rated, but not exactly a kid movie (at least not my kids age). I missed a lot of it toward the end simply because my kids weren't interested in it, but from what I saw I liked it!

Emily said...

I cannot believe you got all that done AND went to church--wow!! And what's weird is we watched that movie on Sunday too! It was sweet, but death is a big theme, so it's sad and a lot goes over the kids' heads. They lost interest in some parts and loved others. James' favorite part was Kermit's cameo! :)
