Friday, August 15, 2008

Weight Watchers huh?

So... I really don't get it.

You know how you wake up in the morning and turn on the hot water in the shower and while you're waiting for it to get hot you step up on the scale? This morning I did this and was very happy to see that I had lost 3 pounds this week. Yay Me!

An hour and a half later..... I step up on the scale at Cheeseburger Rehab expecting to get a star sticker for my efforts this week only to find that I am only down 0.6 lbs!! Huh? But.... I didn't eat or drink ANYTHING yet!? How can this be? Is my scale playing tricks on me? Grrrrr!

No stickers for me. So sad :-(


Anonymous said...

Clothes. It's got to be the clothes--heavy clothes, right?
Love, Mom

Emily said...

that's so frustrating.... scales can be so subjective. If I want to scheck if my scale is right with theirs, I weigh with clothes on, on the way out the door to the meeting. That's as close as you can get, really. The body is so strange, and it's not unusual for me to go up or down 2 or 3 within the same day. It fascinates me to no end to weigh myself a million times a day and see what happens! lol Haven't done that for a while though.

Now it just means that next week you'll show a big loss and be really excited, right?!

Anonymous said...

Didn't you know that all scales lie.....