Wednesday, May 23, 2007

it's my birthday

Bleh, 6am and I'm up and add 'em getting some work done before the boys wake up. (and as you can see I am working hard). I'm getting the last few loads of laundry done before we leave so I can put the rest of the stuff together that we'll need. It's hard to tell what to take because it gets much cooler up north in the evenings. So, I'm packing the shorts and t-shirts but I have to include the pants and long sleeves and sweats. So many layers make for a lot of stuff to shove into one suitcase. Fortunately we can do a few washes while we're there. I've really been looking forward to this trip, but this early in the morning it's hard to feel excited....maybe after my coffee. But mainly I think I'm dreading the travel part of the trip. It's going to be a looooong day, with 2 1/2 hour layover and two small children I just hope I don't go out of my mind. I know Seth is going to test my patience and discipline in a small airplane surrounded by tons of strangers is not easy at all. I'm bringing the portable dvd player, which should help tremendously on the airplane in keeping him calm while I deal with a potential screaming baby situation, and of course the kiddie leash which I only plan on using if things go terribly wrong. We will get there nonetheless, good or bad and soon I will be on vacation. Woo Hoo! We'll be in New York for a week and a half, with some time visiting friends in my hometown, and some time visiting with my sister and her kids, and grandparents upstate. All in all, a chance to show off my beautiful children, and to be spoiled for a few days. Oh yeah, and I turned thirty today. yippie :-(