Monday, August 20, 2007

I’m not a bad parent, per se. I just have no clue what I’m doing is all.

My parents used to always say that my older sister was the guinea pig when it came to learning how to parent. And I must say that is quite an accurate assessment of Seth, as we try to learn how to be parents to him he is our little guinea pig. I used to think I was a good mom, my little boy being so good and all, but I am learning that it is more his personality rather than my parenting style that gave himself that reputation. He can choose to be such a sweet good polite boy sometimes. And then there are the other times…….like earlier this afternoon when his personality takes a very abrupt “give my mom and everyone else around me hell” kind of attitude. It is times like that, of course always in public, when I just throw my hands up and wonder what the hell I am doing. HELP!, I Just don’t know how to handle this!

So, why aren’t there more parenting classes out there? Why doesn’t every town have an institute of parenting or something? It should be a public service available to all parents. You can go to dog obedience school… about kids?


Amie said...

I have been thinking about this post for a while.........and what I think is that knowing that you don't have all the answers makes you a good parent, being flexable, and human to your children, that is what your children will remember and learn from. :)