Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I'm here

So, our computer is not feeling very good lately so I'm here at the library until it gets better. Things have been a little crazy lately. Biggest think for us is that we are moving. We found an apartment in a better and safer neighborhood and will be moving at the end of the month. That same week, Seth and John will start pre-school and I will be going back to work (hopefully if I get a job) and we are having Seth's 4th birthday party that weekend. So....I may not be blogging much for the next few weeks. Hopefully we will be getting into a routine very quickly.

Seth is excited to start school, and very excited about the new apartment (as are we) which makes the thought of staying in Augusta for another year or however long seem much easer, and ok. We have made some great friends here, and we have decided to go ahead and start getting more involved in things like church groups and whatnot. For the past 6 months we have been living like we need to be ready to up and move to Virginia tomorrow, and we have made no committments, no contributions to others or our church, no efforts to make new friends despite our current ones moving away, etc. because we didn't think we'd be around very long. Well, the job hasn't come through yet, so we have begun to change our attitude and want to make the best of living in Ga.