Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Dave and I are doing better. The idea of what's to come has settled in and we already have plans set in place the next few months... at least until we know for sure whether I will be deployed or not. I am feeling optimistic that I will not be deployed, whether it's denial or not... for now it has reduced my stress level and anxiety.

Our boys, Seth in particular, could obviously sense our stress and knew something was going on. Seth has been extremely sensitive and emotional... crying at the drop of a hat.... etc. Obviously he is coping with the stress in his own way. We have begun talking to him about it a little bit, but will break it out a little at a time so we are sure he understands. In the meantime we are chugging along in the usual way.

A spot in Seth's preschool finally opened up in John's age group, so he started his new class on Monday. The transition was great. He walked right in like he'd been there all along. And he is already he proved today after dinner when I picked up a penny he was playing with and he grabbed it back and said, "MINE!"