Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Sunday night as you already read, Seth and I had a great time. But when it was time to go he got very upset. He marched ahead of me to the car all mad and turned around to yell at me and said, "Mom, you're not my best friend anymore!". My first thought was Wow! I never even knew he considered me his best friend in the first place! How incredibly sweet! I got that gooey warm feeling inside like you do when you think about how much you love your child and how proud you are of them. I couldn't help but smile at him, even though this was not the desired affect Seth was trying to get out of me. It also made me realize how incredibly grown-up he is getting. A little over a year ago we had to deal with his hitting, and now he's learned that he can bite back with his words instead of his hands.

He's also learning silly things like.. potty talk. (yes lovely). Seth (and I'm sure his little friends at school) is into making farting noises and saying words like "bootie" and "poopoo" and then laughing and saying "Eeeeeeew". It's all very amusing and a new adventure for Dave and I to learn to deal with. He is really considerate, and shares his most favorite things willingly, and even voluntarily....for instance last week he had a fruit roll-up...one of those 3 foot strips that you can pretend you have a really long tongue with. Well, he had one and he asked me for help because he was tearing it into two separate but equally long peices. So I helped him, and then he handed one piece to me and said....here mom this is for you. Again, gooey feeling in my heart.

I can't say enough how incredibly proud I am of Seth. The past few months since he started school he has developed leaps in his social skills, and is now writing his own name and coloring inside the lines. He got a sticker yesterday at school for doing a great job cleaning up, and another sticker on his paper for coloring in all the Uppercase I's only. Tomorrow his class is having a Halloween parade and party. I SO wish I could go to see and support him. He's really looking forward to it. I am, after all, his best friend! (or was).


Emily said...

oh the potty talk--soooo fun.... LOL! I'm so glad we're (mostly) past that stage!