Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Scrambly Head

We are still keeping my job situation in prayer. I don't like feeling so unsure about where I should work. I wish I had a more clear answer. We have known for a long time Dave is going to seminary, and we never thought it would be anywhere else but Ashland. So, when it came to finding a job there, we thought well God wants us to go there so He'll make a way for us to be there. But God also gave us our brains to think logically and use common sense, and accepting a job close to Ashland that doesn't pay enough for us to live as a family is not sensible. Accepting a job elsewhere that does pay enough but requires that Dave go to a school in a different denomination than to what he felt called is sensible, but are we just not being faithful enough? It's very unclear in my head about what to do. I'm still praying that someone calls me up out of the blue from Ashland and says....hey you're exactly what we want and we're willing to pay you just exactly what you need! Haha yeah right, but what I would like...is a more clear direction of where He wants us to go. Maybe he doesn't care which way....maybe he just wants us to make the decision for ourselves and he'll support us whichever way we choose like any parent would? In my heart I long to go to Ashland, even though I've never been there or even seen that many pictures of it. But in my heart I also really want to work and have a career doing what I love...using language..which means going elsewhere. I'm torn and now I'm just rambling, so I'll just leave it at that.