Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We Made It!

So, we got off to a late start, but we made it. Thank God. We got to stop and see Dave's family half-way up in WV, and see Kerrie for a short time on Monday morning, and then arrived in NY around 7pm on Monday night. The boys were very well behaved.
Can you believe I had to turn around and start work Tuesday morning?!! Well, we survived and now we're busy unpacking and getting settled. Dave took Seth to school today to register for Kindergarden. Tonight I will take him shopping for his packpack and clothes. This weekend we're heading up to camp in Adirondacks and will see my Sister and her family! Next week school starts.... does life ever slow down? I have a feeling it only gets faster after this. Soon it'll be soccer practice and boy scouts, church choir and field trips. I'm excited for the Peach Festival the weekend after next, where I'm excited to reunite with friends and meet their families, and have some peach shortcake.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Saying Goodbye

Muppets Saying Goodbye - For more amazing video clips, click here


Just a few more days left before we head out. Yesterday at Church I said some goodbyes. Tonight we say more as our Monday Night Kinship group is throwing us a farewell barbeque. Tomorrow night we say even more when we get together with friends for dinner, Wednesday night is Seth's turn to say goodbye to his friends at his 5th birthday party, and Thursday I say goodbye to coworkers. In between all this, we're finishing the packing, planning etc. Our heads are spinning, John has got a cold, and its a wonder we're not all sick too.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Weight Watchers huh?

So... I really don't get it.

You know how you wake up in the morning and turn on the hot water in the shower and while you're waiting for it to get hot you step up on the scale? This morning I did this and was very happy to see that I had lost 3 pounds this week. Yay Me!

An hour and a half later..... I step up on the scale at Cheeseburger Rehab expecting to get a star sticker for my efforts this week only to find that I am only down 0.6 lbs!! Huh? But.... I didn't eat or drink ANYTHING yet!? How can this be? Is my scale playing tricks on me? Grrrrr!

No stickers for me. So sad :-(

Womens Gymnastics

When I was a little girl, I remember watching womens gymnastics on tv during the Olympics. Don't you? Don't you remember dreaming of one day becoming a beautiful graceful gymnast? And think.... I think I can do that!! And then you and your sister did tumbling off the couch and bed and practiced kicking your feet over when you arch your back, or make up silly dance routines?

Perhaps I'm just watching the wrong channels, but I feel compelled to complain a little about the coverage of the Olympics this year. Now as an adult, I can barely stay awake to watch the women's gymnastics.... last night the womens all around finals weren't aired until 11:15 pm!!! How are little girls supposed to fall in love with gymnastics and remember names like Mary Lou Retton and Nadia Comaneci with fondness and admiration if they can't stay up to watch the games?!

I must say though, that I am just amazed this year at the US Swim Team. Not just Michael Phelps (would you SMILE a little Michael?? Get a LITLE excited about winning your GOLDS??) but it seems like just about ALL of our swimmers seem to be smashing the World Records in every event! Amazing!! Exciting!! I betcha all the spectators will have our national anthem memorized by the end of the swimming portion. Haha.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Artwork del Seth

"Superman with Cape"
"Superman with Glasses, Hair and Knee Leaves"

"Family with Dog"
(L to R: Daddy, Mommy, John, Seth)
(Center: My Dog named Daniel)

p.s. We don't have a dog.

Friday, August 8, 2008

HOT :-(

So, after weeks of moaning and groaning, our Air Conditioner finally croaked today. Dave was with it when it passed. He said it made a loud grinding noise and then.......nothing.

So long Air Conditioner. We will miss you tomorrow. High of 92.

Looks like tomorrow we'll be swimming and going to the movies.

Said Mother to Child at dinner in diner....... Were you a good boy in school today?

Said Child to Mother quite loudly.... YES!! I was a good boy!! I didn't show my butt!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Papa makes a comfy seat.

Awww, did Grandma put that pigtail in your hair?! How silly!!!

The.... no I don't want my picture taken....picture.

Weee hee hee.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

WW, Take 3

Soooooooo. After a month-long hiatus from Cheeseburger Rehab, my co-workers and family have coaxed me back.

I have been somewhat reluctant, particularly with the Army case pending, but especially now that I'm moving back to NY and will see people who haven't seen me in a while....... you know the drill.

So I sucked it up and got back on the scale Monday morning. Is it sad that I'm pleasantly surprised that ONLY gained 3 lbs back? After all, Mom and Dad took me out to eat every single day last week....and twice on Sunday. It's all THEIR fault.

So my goal this week is 3 lbs. I'm fairly confident it will come back off as easily as it went on. (hopefully). And then I'd like to go down a few 4 or 5 before I arrive in NY.

They're Gone

Mom and Dad left yesterday morning. But this time it was not so sad, since we will be seeing them in 3 weeks!

Don't my Dad and Seth look alike in this picture?? John loved snuggling with Grandma before bedtime.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Papa's Herre!

Yay! Dad arrived on Thursday. We're so happy to see him.

On Thursday morning on our way to daycare Seth wouldn't stop talking about Papa.

Papa's going to pick me up today.
Not you Momma, just Papa.

1 minute later... Mom, is Papa going to pick me up today? Yes Seth, Papa and Daddy will pick you up. Hooray! Papa and Daddy will pick me up today!!

1 minute later..... Is Papa coming? No Seth Papa is not coming :-) Yes he is! He is coming to pick me up today!! My Mommy said so!! Oh she did did she ? :-) Well, then he must be coming! Hooray!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Moving On Up

So, with this in mind, Dave and I have finally made the decision to move to NY. If I am not exempted from this mobilization, then the boys will have had the time to settle in, make friends, start school etc. If I am exempted, then we will already be up there for when Dave goes for border patrol training. And in the mean time we will be able to spend more time with family.

Augusta is a beautiful city with lots of wonderful people, but ultimately it does not offer the opportunities for our family that we would like.

This move will happen very quickly... in just a few weeks. We have already given notice at work, and we are making lists with all the stuff we need to get done between now and then. A lot will happen very fast, but we have made the decision, and now we just need to figure out the hows and whats.

We are both excited and scared. I am excited to be closer to family and friends I haven't seen in a long time. I am scared that Seth will be starting Kindergarden and riding a bus.... which I am totally NOT ready for. I know "Home" will not be the same as I remember it, but we will make it a new adventure and know that this is what's best for us right now. This is a transitioning time for us, and will lead to better things.

2 Months

So, I was contacted yesterday by the case manager for my Exemption Case for the first time. He said that there is currently a back-log of all the medical cases of at least 2 months. So, once he has all the information he needs and submits it, it will take at least 2 months for them to make a decision. Oh darn.